Technology @ NHCCS
At NHCCS, we pride ourselves as having the latest innovative technology tools available for our staff and students. Through the use of technology, we supports the enhancement of the educational experience to enrich the lives of our students. We are committed to provide our students access to high speed internet, up to date equipment, and interactive digital platforms that prepare our students for the 21st Century. Educational technology is infused into classes to maximize student achievement of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and prepare them for College and Career Readiness. Each class room Is equipped with a SMART Board, a document camera, and a wi-fi access point. In addition, there is a 1:1 laptop program and a Technology Lab for all students in grades Kindergarten to Eighth grade.
NJ Student Learning Assessments Resources
NJ Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) Resources (NJ DOE Link)
Keyboarding Website: