School Safety & Security
For the welfare of all students and staff members, visitors to our school are requested to sign in at the s security desk and report to the main office. School staff members will issue visitor passes and arrange for teachers to meet with parents/guardians.
New Horizons Community Charter School, has worked collaborative with Newark law enforcement and other key stakeholders to develop a school safety and security plan. The support our officers provide our school is unparalleled. Our designated school safety officer, Mr. Abel Hernandez oversees security at the school. Drill exercises are conducted to test our plan, and feedback provided is used to identify strengths and weaknesses. This plan includes procedures to respond to incidents ranging from fire, to bomb threats, to an active shooter situation. Our plan is reviewed and updated every year.
We hold regular drills, in our building, for these various types of emergency situations. In addition, our staff training provides a strong level of preparedness. Security training is provided to all school staff and students on current best practices and their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after emergencies. Although we cannot share details of these procedures without compromising safety, you can be confident that the safety and security of our students and staff is our top priority.
School Safety & Security:
Director of Safety & Security: